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Young Lion were a late 70's/80's Sound System from Battersea, South West London.
By the mid 80's the crew comprised of:
Operator - Bunny Reds
Selector - Benji Iry
MC's - Mister Palmer, Longman & Nigger Jimmy.
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at 4:27 pm on Mar 20, 2009
One of famous clashes of the 80's was with young lion vs saxon in 1984
at 10:31 pm on Mar 23, 2009
I've heard of the clash but never actually heard it!
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Comments (2)
leroy said
at 4:27 pm on Mar 20, 2009
One of famous clashes of the 80's was with young lion vs saxon in 1984
kalcidis said
at 10:31 pm on Mar 23, 2009
I've heard of the clash but never actually heard it!
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