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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 3 months ago

Metromedia was a sound based in the Woodford Park area, Kingston 4. It was originally started by Lou Gooden and some associates around 1974. Lou Gooden however emigrated from Jamaica in 1976 and the Sound System switched owner to the current owner, Jimmy »Daddy« Metro (b. Haldain James). The sound had grown rather much and by the early 80's the sound was regularly playing at the main dancehall venues. In 1981 Peter Metro joined. He would become one of the greatest assets to the sound, if not the greatest, as his charismatic deejay style drew loads of people to the dances. His sparring partner on the sound was ZuZu. Other deejays that featured on the sound were the late Massive Dread (b. Dennis James), Dicky Ranking (b. Norman Suppria), Ashman and Sprouty.


The resident selector for the sound was at first Jack but when Peter Metro met up with Sky Juice (b. Christopher Blake), who had previously worked with Black Zodiac sound, the sound system had a new selector. Sky Juice still selects for Metromedia. The sound system toured England in 1984 along with Josey Wales, Sister Verna and Sister Katy.


Metromedia featured quite often in sound clashes with deejays such as Danny Dread (b. Eric Ffrench and not to be mixed up with the selector using the same name), who used to deejay for sounds such as Stereophonic and later Black Star. Also Peter Metro's protégé Tonto Metro started out on Metromedia. English deejays such as the deejay/journalist Dominic was quite often seen on the sound from 1987 and a couple of years after. Dominic (b. Dominic Kenny) had recorded the song »Cockney & Yardie« with Peter Metro in 1987. Another deejay who featured on the sound was Niggah Mikey (b. Michael Grant).


Metromedia did a tour in Canada in 1988, Japan in 1989 and England once again in 1990. As the times changed and dub plate clashes came to dominate the scene, the sound also had to change focus abandoning the live artist approach it once had. Sky Juice became the sounds new attraction with his skillful displays at the soundclashes.

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