
Labels: C

Page history last edited by algoriddim 15 years, 8 months ago


Label Proprietor Role Country Notes RA RKR ALG
C & amp;N Coxsone Producer *
C & C * *
C & E * * *
C & G *
C & M *
C & M W *
C & P *
C & S Sound *
C & W * *
CA *
Cab Rock *
Cactus UK * * *
Calabash Jamaica * * *
Calibud Jamaica *
California *
Call Me Shams Jamaica *
Calla * *
Calmac *
Calnek B.Calnek Producer *
Caltone B.Calnek Producer Caltone is a subsidiary of R & B Discs * *
Calvary *
Calvary Temple *
Calvin And Errol *
Calvin Music *
Calypso *
Calypso Hut *
Calypso Joe *
Calypso Judge *
Calypsotime *
CAM * *
Camara *
Camel Pama Records UK Camel is a subsidiary of Pama * *
Camille *
Camp Fire *
Cam-Per * *
Campus Grads *
Can Jamm *
Can You Hear Me Now *
Canadian Talent Library * *
Cancer Harry J Producer * * *
Cancer Kid *
Cancer King *
Cancerian *
Candle *
Candlelight *
Candy *
Candy Man *
Canja *
Cannon *
Cannon Ball *
Cannon Music *
Cannon Production Jamaica
Can't Work Out *
Capital Jamaica *
Capitol * * *
Capleton *
Capo Glen Adams Keyboardist *
Capo Action *
Cappo Prod. *
Capri *
Capricorn *
Capricorn Int. *
Capricorn Rising *
Captain Selassie *
Captic *
Captive *
Caravan *
Cargo *
Cari Blu *
Carib *
Carib Gems * * *
Carib Records *
Carib Sound *
Carib Sounds * * *
Caribana Caribana is a subsidiary of Burning Sounds and FORM * *
Caribbean Caribbean is a subsidiary of Klik * *
Caribbean Culture *
Caribbean Echo *
Caribbean Muzik *
Caribbean Sounds *
Carib-Dis-Co *
Cariboo *
Caribou Dada Tuari Producer *
Carifta *
Carifta King Rupie Edwards Singer *
Carima Sound *
Carla *
Carlos M *
Carl's * * *
Carlton *
Carna Stoan *
Carnastoan *
Carnival * *
Caroline *
Carousel * * *
Carrere * * *
Carron * * *
Carta *
Cartel *
Carter House Music * *
Cartone *
Cartridge * *
Carusoe *
Cash Jackie Brown Singer *
Cash & Carry * * *
Cash Bound *
Cash Box *
Cash Flow *
Casper Wax *
Castle Communication * *
Castle Pulse * *
Castro Brown *
Cat *
Catstaff *
Caturna * * *
Cause 'N Effect *
Cav Lip *
Cavalis * * *
Cave *
Cave Man *
Cave Music *
CB 321 *
CB Music *
CB Pre C.Bough *
CBS * * *
CC Records *
CD Pre Coxsone Producer *
CDJ * *
CE Pre Clancy Eccles Singer *
Cedar * *
Celebrity *
Celebrity Crew *
Celestial *
Cell Block *
Cell Block 11 *
Cell Block 21 *
Cell Block 321 *
Celluloid * * *
Censored *
Center Forward *
Central Zone *
Centron *
Century * * *
Cespydee *
CF Robert »Ribs« Fearon Engineer * * *
Cha Cha UK * * *
Chain Gang *
Chain Link *
Chakula *
Chal Wah *
Chalawah *
Challenge *
Challenger *
Champagne *
Champion *
Champion Bimbo *
Chams *
Chan Georg *
Chanan Jah Phil Pratt Producer Jamaica Chanan Jah is a subsidiary of Terminal Records * * *
Chancery *
Channel 13 *
Channel 2 *
Channel 7 *
Channel Expression *
Channel One JoJo Hookim Producer * * *
Channel One Ecomic Package *
Chant Out *
Chanti K.Heshimu Singer/Journalist *
Chaos *
Chappy Vincent Chin Producer *
Chapter One *
Charcoal *
Charisma * * *
Charity *
Charles *
Charly *
Charly Reggae * *
Charm * * *
Charmaine *
Charmax * * *
Charmers * * *
Charm's *
Chart Buster *
Chart Hopper *
Chart Sounds * *
Chartbound * * *
Chartbuster *
Check *
Checker *
Checkmate *
Chek Sonny Bradshaw * *
Chemist *
Cherry Red * * *
Chester *
Chester Roots *
Chester Scabba *
Chiba *
Chic Chic *
Child Of God * * *
Chilla *
Chilly Pepper *
Chime *
Chin 78rpm Stanley Chin Producer
China Soul *
Chinegro *
Chinese Laundry *
Chino *
Chin's *
Chip I Music *
Chipi *
Chippy *
Choice *
Chop Chop *
Chopper Derek Wright Producer US *
Chris 2 *
Chris II *
Chris Records *
Chris Squiddly *
Chris Tune *
Christie *
Christmas Special *
Chronic *
Chrysalis * * *
Cima *
Cimarak * *
Cimarons *
Cindy * *
Cinque *
Circa *
Circle Rupie Edwards Singer * * *
Circle International * *
Circle Sounds *
Circle Throne *
City Beat *
City Boy *
City Dawgs *
City Line * * *
City Lock *
City Love *
City Sounds * *
Civet *
Civic Martin Riley *
Ciyo *
CJ *
Clair Music *
Clan Son *
Clancy Clancy Eccles Singer *
Clancy's Clancy Eccles Singer *
Clandisc Trojan Records UK Clandisc is a subsidiary of Trojan * * *
Clansone *
Clappazz *
Clappers Lister Hewan-Lowe Producer/Journalist * * *
Clarendon *
Clarendon Sound Jah Larry deejay * *
Clarke *
Clarke & Forrester *
Clarke & George *
Clarke's *
Clarkey & Blakey *
Clark's Amos Clark *
Class I *
Class One *
Classic * * *
Classic Productions *
Classic Roots *
Classic Sounds *
Classic Vibes *
Classical *
Classique *
Claypot *
Clear Sounds *
Clef *
Cleopatra * *
Click *
Cliff *
Cliff Sounds *
Clinch Bernard Collins Singer Jamaica * * *
Clintones *
Cloak & Dagger *
Clocktower Brad Osbourne Producer USA * * *
Cloud 9 *
Clouds * *
Club *
Club Kokua *
Club Remix *
Clubs *
Clyde Clyde Hoyte *
CM *
CMI * * *
CNR * * *
Cobnet *
Cobra Aston Barrett Bass player Cobra is a subsidiary of Terminal Records * *
Cockney *
Code *
Colin Fat *
Collar *
Collette *
Collings *
Collins Down Beat * *
Collins Hits Ansell Collins Keyboardist Jamaica *
Collins Music * *
Color Sound Eric Frater *
Columbia * * *
Columbia Blue Beat * *
Combination L.Rowe *
Comedy International Records *
Comet Lynn Taitt Guitarist *
Cometstar *
Comic *
Coming Of The Sun *
Commanda *
Commander *
Commando *
Commando Sound *
Commissioner *
Common Sense *
Comm-Prize *
Communicating *
Compa *
Complex Music *
Composer *
Composition *
Concept *
Concept 2 Prod. *
Conciliate *
Concious Music *
Concord Jamaica *
Concorde *
Concrete *
Concrete Jungle * * *
Conference *
Confidence *
Confirm Roy Hylton *
Conflict UK * * *
Confrontation *
Congo * *
Congo Ashanti Congos Vocal Group *
Congo Ashanty * * *
Congo Natty *
Congo Productions * *
Congos *
Congo's *
Congress *
Connection Derrick Howard Singer *
Connection Sounds *
Connections *
Conquerer Jamaica * * *
Conquest *
Conrack *
Conscious *
Conscious Man *
Conscious Melody *
Conscious Sound *
Conscious Sounds *
Consortium *
Consortium II *
Contact *
Contempo *
Cook *
Cool & Deadly *
Cool 13 *
Cool Backra *
Cool Rockers Cool Rockers is a subsidiary of Greensleeves * *
Cool Shade *
Cool Soul *
Cool Tempo *
Copasetic * * *
Copper Kid
Coptic *
Coptic Lion E Brooks Singer Jamaica * *
Coram's *
Cord Jo Jo Hookim Producer Jamaica *
Core Development Project *
Corn Toe Corn Toe *
Corn Tree *
Corner Man *
Corner Stone Bertram Brown/Cornerstone * * *
Corner Stone Church Of Music Congress *
Coroboree *
Corona *
Corporative Sounds Winston Jarrett Singer *
Coscious Melody *
Cosmic Eric Donaldson Singer *
Cosmic Force *
Cosmick *
Cosmik *
Cosmonamic *
Cosmopolitan * *
Cosmos * *
Cotillion *
Cottontails *
Councilor *
Counsellor *
Counselor Fred Bryan
Count 1,2,3 Prince Jazzbo Producer/deejay *
Count Boysie Count Boysie Producer *
Count John J.Beckford Producer *
Count Lasher *
Count Shelly UK * * *
Courage Intl. *
Cousin *
Cousins *
Cowboy *
Coxson Coxsone Producer Jamaica *
Coxson JR Jamaica *
Coxsone UK Coxsone is a subsidiary of Island Records and later Trojan / B & C * * *
Coxson's Music * *
CPR1 *
CR George Murphy Singer *
CR 60-300 *
Crab Pama Records UK Crab is a subsidiary of Pama * *
Cracker Jack *
Crasher L.Moffat *
Crat *
Crat Prod. *
Craze Faze *
Crazy *
Crazy B *
Crazy Joe Joe Gibbs Producer Jamaica * * *
Creation Delroy Witter Producer * * *
Creation Music *
Creation Rebel * * *
Creation Records *
Creation Rights *
Creation Star *
Creative Art Works *
Creative Calypso Vincent Chin *
Creative Mix *
Creative Sounds * * *
Creole Creole is a subsidiary of Trojan * * *
Creole (Rhino) * *
Crescendo *
Cresta Glen Lee Producer *
Crib *
Crib Ent. *
Crimes *
Criminal *
Crimson Flame *
Criot Muzik *
Crisis *
Criss Disc *
Crocodisc * *
Crocus Bag *
Cronik *
Cronk *
Crosbies Sound *
Crosby's *
Cross Line Connection *
Cross Roads *
Crowd Pleaser *
Crown *
Crown H I M *
Crown Intl. *
Crown Jam *
Crown Star *
Crown The Lion *
Crucial Cuts *
Crucial Force *
Crucial Records *
Cruise * * *
Crush Sounds *
Crusoe *
Cry Tuff Prince Far I Producer/deejay *
Crysalis *
Crystal Derrick Harriott Singer Jamaica * * *
Crystal Ball *
Crystal D *
Crystal Prod. *
Crystal Sound *
Crystal Sounds *
Crystal Vibration *
CSA * * *
CTS Jamaica * * *
Cucoon *
Cultural Connection *
Cultural Foundation *
Cultural Gifts *
Cultural Warrior *
Culture Culture is a subsidiary of Venture * *
Culture One *
Culture Press * *
Culture Press (UK) * *
Culture Records *
Culture Roots *
Culture Shock *
Culture Star Watty Burnett Singer *
Cummings *
Cupia *
Curfew *
Curfew Intl. *
Current Box *
Cut Above *
Cut Stone *
Cutlass *
CV Connection *
Cyclone *
Cyltoan *
Cylton *
CYM Prod. *
Cyprian *

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