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The first sound out of the large city of Sao Paulo, Brazil to play strictly old school Jamaican selections such as Ska, Rocksteady & Early Reggae from original 45's. The Sound is also the winner of the 1st ever soundclash in Sao Paulo againts Muamba Sounds. A history dance for those who attended despite the obvious constrast of selections between the sounds.
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Comments (1)
StranJah said
at 6:57 pm on Dec 4, 2009
The first sound out of the large city of Sao Paulo, Brazil to play strictly old school Jamaican selections such as Ska, Rocksteady & Early Reggae from original 45's. The Sound is also the winner of the 1st ever soundclash in Sao Paulo againts Muamba Sounds. A history dance for those who attended despite the obvious constrast of selections between the sounds.
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