Welcome to Reggaepedia. We at Reggaepedia just want to welcome anyone who has stumbled by this test wiki, either through forum or on ours or a friends recommendation. It might be in order for us to describe what our thoughts and aim with this wiki are. First of all it might be good to read up on what a wiki is. You can do it here. The link goes to the excellent wiki known as wikipedia.
This version of reggaepedia is a testing version and therefor shouldn't be regarded as a "complete" wiki. The thought with this version of reggaepedia is just troubleshooting, testing and trying to figure out how we want the final wiki to look and work. If you contribute with any information on this wiki then we will transfer it to the final page so
please contribute!
The future and final wiki is meant to be a place where both newcomers and veterans to the music can go and look up information on artists, albums and all aspects of Jamaican music. Sort of like a source book but online and dynamic since everyone that uses this page will be able to fill it with information. The more people that like this idea and help the better reggaepedia will be.
In order to contribute to this wiki you'll need to register. This version of the wiki is an almost entirely open version without any soft security we hope that we all really try to make a good thing of this instead of vandalizing what could and hopefully will be a really good source of information!
Please don't take articles wholesale from other sites when contributing. It's OK to use information from different sources but please don't plagiarise.
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Various templates for how to structure pages will be found linked under this header. These are recommended so that the wiki has a consequent layout.
Do you know PHP + SQL?
We're in need of someone that can program PHP + SQL in order for us to set up the official version of Reggaepedia. If you're interested in helping us at Reggaepedia (and perhaps even join in) and you know your ways around with the 1's and the 0's then please do contact us (kalcidis_@_hotmail_com - without the underscores)!
Comments (12)
Anonymous said
at 1:58 am on Aug 18, 2007
Why have this password system? Hopefully there's some content management system set up which allows one to revert to an earlier version of a page (if not, there should be!), so free editing wouldn't jeopardise the project. And with the password displayed on the homepage, anyone who really wants to vandalize the site can do so. Requiring a password just means that some people that would contribute now won't bother.
Anonymous said
at 11:35 am on Aug 20, 2007
We're working on a new wiki-system where vandalizing will be a bit harder. So until then this will have to do I guess.
Glad to see you contributing, joe!
Anonymous said
at 4:37 pm on Nov 5, 2007
Hi Kalcidis
How about getting a link to the index right here on the front page?
I know there's an index somewhere because i've seen it before but i can't find it now (though I could just be being dim)
Anonymous said
at 9:17 pm on Nov 5, 2007
Cheers Baldy! If you check at the bottom where it says »Wiki Information« there's a link that says »Show all pages«. Click on that one!
Excellent work on the Rico article by the way!
Anonymous said
at 1:26 pm on Nov 12, 2007
Thanks Kalcidis - To be honest I just pretty much stole the Rico article whjolesale from his MySpace page - as I thought it would fit so well here.. I better check that I cited the source.
Lord Chris said
at 7:37 pm on Jun 20, 2009
Great site. God bless the internet. I would like to order "Treasure Isle Time", the book, from the late Charlie Reggae. Can someone steer me? I Am Lord Chris, the musical exorcist, from SoCal. Ska R & B RocksteasyEarlyReggae like molecules. lordchrisone@aol.com. Swap-a-file? no prob. thx, LC
ruffa said
at 8:48 am on Sep 3, 2009
I don't know much about MySQL, i've setup a couple of databases and handy with anything to do with websites+webdesign, but i do want to mention PHPwikki, not sure if you heard of it but it's free and simple to use. I only know about it via www.jahweb.co.cc which is a wenhost offering free webspace/ftp etc. to any reggae related website, and they offer phpwikki as a one click install on the webspace u get, it's just like Wikki aparently. Plus with this free web host u get free add-on domains so don;t have to pay any extra for adding your own domain names to the site, i swicthed my site over to them last month to save some money. Might be worth taking a look at for the phpwikki thing, you may be able to export your info from this site straight into phpwikki, might be worth doing if your having to pay for this software you using.
ruffa said
at 6:58 pm on Sep 7, 2009
Will there be some kind of menu or treet index here in the future? i presume u do plan to add this kind of feature sometime, i see u have lots of great info on here but an A-Z is very difficulat to use to find what u want sometimes, would be better to see a directory with catergories, could even make this using html, or maybe there is already some kind of alternate index system built into the templates for this system your using. Hope to see a better index in future sometime. This is just the type of website Reggae needs....great work...
ruffa said
at 8:53 am on Sep 11, 2009
RE: Joe
There is a web content management system that posts info submitted by users to one server where it sits before it gets approved by a moderator before being published on the main server. I was looking at it only yesterday but i'm unsure how it might work together with pbworks. You'd have thought that there would be some kind of add-on available to deal with this, it must be a problem for everyone using it.
Bre Matthews said
at 9:11 pm on Sep 22, 2010
ruffa said
at 9:15 pm on Jan 6, 2011
Can't believe how quiet this front page is! love the site and hope it continues to grow...
linford said
at 10:53 am on Aug 31, 2011
is there any way you add some info to Aces International (UK) This sound originated in 1979 in Clapham / Battersea Byron Senior the selector with Emerdy as the operater with Dirty Harry and Chicken George as the mc's they had a regular spot in Limelight on Sunday night down in Palace and they were the party kings. They had their most famous dance alongside David Rodigan and Nasty love at the Roof Gardens 1986
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