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Eric Deans Band

Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 11 months ago

Eric Deans Band also known as Eric Deans Orchestra or the Colony Club Orchestra was a dance or "Swing" band that was popular in the 1940's and 50's. A number of major artists spent time in the band including Don Drummond, Tommy McCook, Ernest Ranglin, Lloyd Brevett, Roland Alphonso and Rico Rodriguez. Alphonso only spent a few months in the band, he explained why to writer Brian Keyo:

"Eric Deans treat me like a child man, and it was six nights a week for small money. So I left him and went to play with Redver Cooke's band. Redver used to steal Dean's band all the time, regularly."(1)


The band had residences at various Jamaican nightclubs including the Colony Club and the Bournemouth Club.



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